



Hi all,

I basically want to replicate this on the blackberry -

Is there a simple way of doing it instead of messing around with the graphics object of ListView?


+2  A: 

If you don't want to implement your own ListFieldCallback implementation the only other "pre-built" implementation is the ObjectListField class - but you'd be limited to a list of strings and it looks like you want a lot more control over the UI including fixed-width columns with multiple pieces of data, image, etc.

So basically - the only way to render a custom UI such as the one you want is by implementing your own ListFieldCallback including the drawListRow() method.

Marc Novakowski
+4  A: 

Take a look at the "Displaying a List of Complex Records" (zip file) sample from the Blackberry Development Labs page.

It teaches you how to implement a class called TableListField, and includes a completed source file that you can use. The TableListField basically lets you place multiple items in a row of a ListField and select the whole row.

Wow, you and Marc are awesome. Not sure where I'd be stuck without you! Thanks a lot!
Tejaswi Yerukalapudi