Came across this. Hope it helps!
Citing one solution from this link, below.
1) Create the copy of 1 and insert it between 1 & 2, create the copy of 2 and insert it between 2 & 3.. Continue in this fashion, add the copy of N to Nth node
2) Now copy the arbitrary link in this fashion
if original->arbitrary is not NULL
original->next->arbitrary = original->arbitrary->next; /*TRAVERSE TWO NODES*/
This works because original->next is nothing but copy of original and Original->arbitrary->next is nothing but copy of arbitrary.
3) Now restore the original and copy linked lists in this fashion in a single loop.
original->next = original->next->next;
copy->next = copy->next->next;
4) Make sure that last element of original->next is NULL.
Sample code, Time Complexity O(N), Space Complexity O(1)
pNode copy_list(pNode head) {
// pre-condition: node->other either points into the list or NULL
if (!head) return NULL;
pNode node = head, copied = NULL, cnode = NULL;
for ( ; node; node = node->next->next) {
// make copy
cnode = newnode(node->next, node->data);
cnode->other = node->other;
if (node == head)
copied = cnode;
// insert the copy between originals
node->next = cnode;
// node -> cnode -> (orig)node->next
for (node = head; node && node->next;
node = node->next->next /* only original nodes */)
if (node->other)
node->next->other = node->other->next;
node->next->other = NULL;
// restore lists
node = head; cnode = copied;
for ( ; cnode && cnode->next; node = node->next, cnode = cnode->next) {
node->next = node->next->next;
cnode->next = cnode->next->next;
node->next = NULL;
return copied;
Complete program is at