I have a script(dobrt) which upon executing asks for a password.How can i write a script which executes dobrt and automatically supplies the password it asks for.
when i execute ./dobrt -p file.txt
, the system asks for a password. I want the password to be sent in automatically by the script. Here is the output
$ ./dobrt -p file.txt
Found 194 tests to execute
------------ 2010 February 11 11:27:33 ------------
Password: ***************
I tried using shell and expecxt scripts for this. here is what i did.
I have 2 scripts. I call the second script(run_dobrt.exp) from the first one(run_dobrt.sh).
Script 1 : run_dobrt.sh
echo "Running Expect Script"
Script 2: run_dobrt.exp
#!/usr/local/bin/expect -f
set TESTCASE_HOME [lindex $argv 0];
set TESTCASE_LIST [lindex $argv 1];
set PASSWORD [lindex $argv 3];
set timeout 200
expect "*?assword:*" {send -- "$PASSWORD\r";}
expect eof
Now when i run run_dobrt.sh i get the following error run_dobrt.sh[20]: spawn: not found How to get rid of this error and get this task done? Please help.