J0000000: Transaction A0001401 started on 8/22/2008 9:49:29 AM J0000010: Project name: E:\foo.pf J0000011: Job name: MBiek Direct Mail Test J0000100: Machine name: DEV J0000100: Project file: E:\mbiek\foo.pf J0000100: Template file: E:\mbiek\foot.xdt J0000100: Job name: MBiek J0000100: Output folder: E:\foo\A0001401 J0000100: Temp folder: E:\foo\Output\A0001401 J0000100: Document 1 - Starting document J0005000: Document 1 - Text overflowed on page 1 (warning) J0000101: Document 1 - 1 page(s) composed J0000102: Document 1 - 1 page(s) rendered at 500 x 647 pixels J0000100: Document 1 - Completed successfully J0000020:
I have this gigantic ugly string and I'm tring to extract pieces from it using regex.
In this case, I want to grab everything after "Project Name" up to the part where it says "J0000011:" (the 11 is going to be a different number every time).
Here's the regex I've been playing with
Project name:\s+(.*)\s+J[0-9]{7}:
The problem is that it doesn't stop until it hits the J0000020: at the end.
How do I make the regex stop at the first ocurrence of J[0-9]{7}?