Here is my test code for some maths I am doing:
Why is C# treating this differently?
Numerator = =-0.161361101510599*10000000 Denominator = =(-1*(100-81.26)) * (10000000/100)
Here is my test code for some maths I am doing:
Why is C# treating this differently?
Numerator = =-0.161361101510599*10000000 Denominator = =(-1*(100-81.26)) * (10000000/100)
Your problem is that you are feeding Excel different initial values to your C# code. How do you expect them to be the same?
IOW: 0.161361101510599 != 0.161361102
This is most likely due to how the numbers are represented in excel vs. C#. Rounding errors / differences are common when doing artihmatic to a high degree of accuracy on different platofrms or using different software.
EDIT: It could of course be due to different numbers being fed in in the first place. Go me looking for the complex answer!
Programmers are notorious at missing the big picture and overlooking the obvious (well - I am...) Case in point!
Following a comment of you on another answer you say you are obtaining the result (0.8610517689999946638207043757m). If you round it like so:
Math.Round(0.8610517689999946638207043757m, 12);
It will output: 0,861051769000
Not many of us who work on numeric computing trust Excel to add 2 1 digit numbers correctly. I ran your calculation in Mathematica, giving each fractional number 64 digits by extending them to the right with 0s. This is the result:
In this case go with C# rather than Excel. And, on 2nd and 3rd thoughts, in every case go with C# rather than with Excel, whose inadequacies for numeric computing are widely known and well documented.
Excel store 15 significant digits of precision. Read the article "Why does Excel Give Me Seemingly Wrong Answers?".
On another note; you should probably simplify your arithmetic a bit to reduce the number of operations. Generally, (but not always) fewer operations gives a better result in f.p. arithmetic.
val = noiseTerm / (81.26/100 - 1)
is mathematically equivalent to your equation and contains 3 operations as opposed to your 8. In particular, the scalingFactor divides out completely, so it is not necessary at all.
First of all, in most cases Excel uses double precision floating point arithmetic for basic operations just as C# does.
As for your specific case, your C# code does not match your Excel formulas. Try this C# code - which uses your Excel formulas:
static void Calc()
double numerator = -0.161361101510599 * 10000000.0;
double denominator = (-1.0 * (100.0 - 81.26)) * (10000000.0 / 100.0);
double result = numerator / denominator;
Console.WriteLine("result={0}", result);
Run this and note that the output is 0.861051768999995.
Now, format the result in Excel with the custom number format "0.00000000000000000" and you will see that Excel is giving you the same result as C#. By default, Excel uses the "General" format which rounds this number to ~12 significant digits of precision. By changing to the format above, you force Excel to show 15 digits of precision - which is the maximum number of significant digits Excel will use to display a number (internally, they have 15+ digits of precision just as the C# double type does).
You can force C# to display 15+ significant digits (instead of rounding to 15 significant digits) by running the following code:
static void Calc()
double numerator = -0.161361101510599 * 10000000.0;
double denominator = (-1.0 * (100.0 - 81.26)) * (10000000.0 / 100.0);
double result = numerator / denominator;
Console.WriteLine("result={0:R}", result);
This code will output 0.8610517689999948...but there is no way AFAIK to get Excel to display 15+ digits.