A while ago I came across a jQuery plugin that produced the alert/message boxes like those seen on Twitter (when saving settings) and StackOverflow. Can somebody point me to them online? I'm having trouble getting relevant search results...
A while ago I came across a jQuery plugin that produced the alert/message boxes like those seen on Twitter (when saving settings) and StackOverflow. Can somebody point me to them online? I'm having trouble getting relevant search results...
Maybe you mean these : http://labs.abeautifulsite.net/projects/js/jquery/alerts/demo/
The alerts I was referring to can be found here: http://briancray.com/2009/05/06/twitter-style-alert-jquery-cs-php/
I believe what you really want is jBar plugin:
"jBar is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to integrate notifications in your web site. The behavior is very similar to Twitter’s and Stackoverflow’s notification messages."
Try the demo at http://www.tympanus.net/jbar/