



Suppose I have this:

<Window stuff Icon="Resources\myicon.ico">

If I run the program on Windows 7, it's fine. If I run it on Windows XP SP2, it crashes. Removing the Icon property, it works fine on Windows XP, but then it doesn't have my myicon on the Windows 7 taskbar or on the Window.

Also, setting the application icon on the VS project menu doesn't work for W7, but works for XP. In summary:

<Icon> = broken XP, ok W7
No <Icon> = ok XP, ugly W7
VS project icon option = doesn't work for W7, ok XP

For the record, I created icons for 16x16, 22x22, etc up till 256x256 for 32, 24 and 8 bits. I also used IcoFX auto option of creating the .ico image for Windows XP.

Is there a way around this? Or do I have to choose between an ugly Windows 7(and Vista?) App or no Windows XP app?

+1  A: 

XP does not support 256x256 icons. Remove the 256 icon for XP.

ok that worked but IcoFX lied. and so did this guy: or i misunderstood the question. argh