Thanks for the answer. Now I've re-read my message, I see it is rather vague. I have a screen that edits an object which contains multiple lists of other child objects. I've implemented these as different tabs in a tab control. One of these tabs edits the comments, so I wanted to display a list of comments with an edit panel for the current selection next to the list. The user could then use add, edit or delete buttons to update the list. I wanted to do this in a pure(ish) MVVM way.
I came up with the following design which seems to work with minimal hacks.
The View includes a list of the child objects simply as a ListView bound to an observable collection within the ViewModel. I included a child object buffer – this is used to buffer changes until they are ready to be saved back to the list (or thrown away).
The View also includes an edit panel bound to the buffer object in the ViewModel. The buffer is updated whenever the list view’s current selection changes using a deep copy. I tried using data binding on the Selecteditem property but the set was never called, so a small code-behind method was added to force the property to be updated when the selection was changed.
The list view and edit view are mutually exclusive. In theory you could hide the disabled one, perhaps using a flip screen. As a general pattern, it is better for my app to have both visible at the same time as the edit panel may show extra information not shown in the list view. The choice as to which panel is enabled is controlled by binding IsEnabled to a ViewModel property like IsEditCommentMode.
Commands to manage the list have to be added, these are New, Editand Delete. Note that Add and Edit will set set up the buffer then set IsEditCommentMode to true. These list management commands are only available when IsEditCommentMode is false.
The edit panel implements Save and Cancel commands, they are only be enabled when IsEditCommentMode is true. When Save is executed, it should copy from the buffer to the list (either add or update) and fire the change notification. Finally, it should set IsEditCommentMode to false.
This all works well and does not seem to violate any MVVM tenents (in my humble but often flawed opinion).