I have two procedures A and B. Procedure A performs certain tasks. Procedure B has to monitor how many times procedure A is called in a day.
How to achieve this?
I have two procedures A and B. Procedure A performs certain tasks. Procedure B has to monitor how many times procedure A is called in a day.
How to achieve this?
Add a statement to the procedure:
update statistics_table
set proc_a_count = proc_a_count + 1;
Of course, you'll have to create a suitable table to hold the count and initialize it with a zero in the field.
Oracle does not track this sort of thing by default but if you just want to record some simple information then switch on the built-in AUDIT functionality:
You can view the accesses in the view dba_audit_trail
. Find out more.
If for some reason you don't want to use the audit trail - say you want to capture more information - then you will need to use your own logging mechanism. This is a good use for the AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION pragma. Just be careful that writing the log records doesn't have an undue impact on the performance of your application.
The role of procedure B in your question is entirely superfluous: either the database records how often procedure A runs or else A writes its own trace records. Unless B is a packaged query on the log (however implemented)?