I'm uploading files with <t:inputFileUpload
all is working fine but when file is larger from value set in web.xml it doesn't output any error or warning message.
My code:
<h:form id="uploadForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<t:inputFileUpload id="fileupload" accept="image/*" storage="file"
value="#{fileUpload.uploadedFile}" styleClass="fileUploadInput"
required="true" validator="epacient.FileUploadValidator" validatorMessage="Napacna vrsta ali prevelika datoteka."/>
<h:message for="fileupload" style="color: red;" />
<br />
<h:commandButton value="Upload" id="fileUploadButton" action="#{fileUpload.upload}" />
<h:message for="uploadForm" style="color: red;" />
If file is to big it should write an error at <h:message
tag, am I wrong?
How can I resolve the problem ?
best regards