Hallow, I have a Master DataGridView on the WinForm, say Partner and TWO Child DataGridViews Mails and Phones which reflect the DB structure I create DataSet including: DataTables partners, mails, phones, DataRelations partner_mail,partner_phone and initialize 3 Bindingsources
BindingSourcePartner=new BindingSource();
BindingSourceMail=new BindingSource();
BindingSourcePhone=new BindingSource();
BindingSourcePartner.DataSource = ds;
BindingSourcePartner.DataMember = "partners";
BindingSourcePartner.AllowNew = true;
BindingSourcePartner.Sort = "partnerID asc";
BindingSourceMail.DataSource = BindingSourcePartner;
BindingSourceMail.DataMember = "partner_mail";
BindingSourcePhone.DataSource = BindingSourcePartner;
BindingSourcePhone.DataMember = "partner_phone";
When I run the applet and move through DataGridParner DataGridMail is being changed while DataGridPhone shows no data, though there're entries in DB AND in underlying DataTable there. What's wrong here?