



Does anyone know of a web based MS SQL manager (in ASP.NET or classic ASP)? I'm getting sick of using their studio software, and use MySQL a lot too, so I'm used to the web based management. Thanks :)


I do not know of any open source or free solutions for this, and honestly I'm going to doubt that you are going to find anything at that level that is going to do everything you need.

There is a commercial offering myLittleAdmin that works very well, but it is expensive.

Mitchel Sellers

SQL Buddy might fit your needs, it's open source, free, and has good web browser support.

You need PHP installed, but I do dare say if your using MYSQL you will already have this.

+4  A: 

Check out SQL Web Data Administrator, it's ASP.NET and sounds like it fits the bill. Not sure I'd ever let it exist outside a local network, but if you're running phpMyAdmin or the like then it's probably not much different.

(Also, spend a week using the real MySQL command-line client - you'll learn to love SQL SMS with all it's clicky draggy syntax-colored quirks.)

I've used it and yes, it just a standard application and you can access it from outside the local network.
Eduardo Molteni
That was more about potential security issues - I wouldn't want anything with DROP DATABASE permissions outside of localhost without knowing it inside-out.
Thanks tadamson, that's exactly what I was looking for... This is just for my development machine so I'm not worried about security as much. Thanks again.