



Scenario is:

Given the following files c:\dev\deploy\file1.txt c:\dev\deploy\file2.txt c:\dev\deploy\file3.txt c:\dev\deploy\lib\do1.dll c:\dev\deploy\lib\do2.dll

e.g. if $pwd is the following


running the statement

$files = get-childitem

I want to take this list and using << foreach ($file in $files) >> I want to substitute my own path for the $pwd e.g. I want to be able to print out, for e.g. a path of c:\temp\files the following

c:\temp\files\file1.txt c:\temp\files\file2.txt c:\temp\files\file3.txt c:\temp\files\lib\do1.dll c:\temp\files\lib\do2.dll

How can I peform this i.e. A = c:\dev\deploy\file1.txt - c:\dev\deploy\

B = c:\temp\files\ + A

giving B = c:\temp\files\file1.txt


Thanks in advance


How about something like:

function global:RelativePath
        [string]$path = $(throw "Missing: path"),
        [string]$basepath = $(throw "Missing: base path")

    return []::GetFullPath($path).SubString([]::GetFullPath($basepath).Length + 1)

$files = get-childitem Desktop\*.*

foreach($f in $files)
    $path = join-path "C:\somepath" (RelativePath $f.ToString() $pwd.ToString())
    $path | out-host

I took the simple relative path from here although there is some problems with it, but as you only want to handle paths below your working directory it should be okay.

+2  A: 

I would use filter here and consider piping the files like this:

filter rebase($from=($pwd.Path), $to)  {
    $_.FullName.Replace($from, $to)

You can call it like this:

Get-ChildItem C:\dev\deploy | rebase -from C:\dev\deploy -to C:\temp\files\
Get-ChildItem | rebase -from (Get-Location).path -to C:\temp\files\
Get-ChildItem | rebase -to C:\temp\files\

Note that the replacing is case sensitive.

In case you would need case insensitive replace, regexes would help: (edit based on Keith's comment. Thanks Keith!)

filter cirebase($from=($pwd.Path), $to)  {
    $_.Fullname -replace [regex]::Escape($from), $to
The -replace operator allows usage of regexes that are case insensitive e.g. `$_.Fullname -replace [regex]::escape($from),$to`
Keith Hill
Oh, I always learn something new. Thx! ;)
+1  A: 

This works pretty well for me:

gci c:\dev\deploy -r -name | %{"c:\temp\$_"}
Keith Hill
+1  A: 

There's a cmdlet for that, Split-Path, the -leaf option gives you the file name. There's also Join-Path, so you can try something like this:

dir c:\dev\deploy | % {join-path c:\temp\files (split-path $_ -leaf)} | % { *action_to_take* }