Hello everybody,
After hacking more on my current app - once again, I am running into an issue which kills some of the joy I expected from my domain model.
The problem here is that the aggregate root
/ most important class in my domain model doesn't have consistent ID values for its entries.
(E.g messed up : 1..3..5..12..150..157..
and so on | this is because it's a database that is being updated since MS Access 1997 and now upsized to MSSQLServer).
Is there a way to still get the real next
object in the current collection ( which means that it is not just based on its ID value ) ?
What would you guys suggest me to do in this case?
And is it a good idea to:
- Delete ID field and regenerate it?
- Create some HelperMethods to get the next object in the current? (How would you achieve that.. ?)