I have a JsonStore that needs to return from an HTTP request that takes longer than 30 seconds.
Setting the "timeout" property on either the JsonStore config doesn't override the 30-second timeout, neither does setting a proxy (rather than just setting the url property) and putting a timeout on the proxy.
How can I extend this timeout?
(I'm using Ext JS 3.1.1)
var ds = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
autoSave: true,
method: "POST",
/*url: "search-ajax.aspx",
timeout: 120000,*/
root: "rows",
totalProperty: "results",
idProperty: "primarykeyvalue",
proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({ url: "search-ajax.aspx", timeout: 120000 }),
fields: previewColumnConfig,
baseParams: {
Command: "",
ID: primaryKeyValue,
Entity: entityFullName,
vetype: ValidationEntityType,
vepk: ValidationEntityPK,
now: (new Date()).getTime()
writer: new Ext.data.JsonWriter({
encode: true,
listful: false