




I need help putting together a regex that will match word that ends with "Id" with case sensitive match.

+1  A: 

How about "\A[a-z]*Id\z"? [This makes characters before 'Id' optional. Use "\A[a-z]+Id\z" if there needs to be one or more characters preceding "Id."]

Regex ids = new Regex(@"\w*Id\b", RegexOptions.None);

"\b" means "word break" & \w mean any word character, so \w*Id\b means "{stuff}Id". By not including RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, it will be case sensitive.

James Curran
+4  A: 

Try this regular expression:


\w* allows word characters in front of Id and the \b ensures that Id is at the and of the word (\b is word boundary assertion).

@epitka, note that `\w` also matches numbers and the underscore. In short the strings `___Id` and `12345Id` will also be matched.
Bart Kiers
I gave you an upvote, but epitka doesn't specify if just "Id" is allowable, so I'd be tempted to change the * for a +
+1  A: 

I would use
The \b matches the beginning and end of a word i.e. space, tab or newline, or the beginning or end of a string.

The [A-Za-z] will match any letter, and the * means that 0+ get matched. Finally there is the Id.

Note that this will match words that have capital letters in the middle such as 'teStId'.

I use http://www.regular-expressions.info/ for regex reference

The set `a-z` excludes `é` and other similar characters. Perhaps not an issue, but something epitka may want to know.
Bart Kiers
[A-Za-z] doesn't match non-English alphabetic characters, so should be avoided in favour of \w unless a guarantee can be made that only English letters will appear.
+1  A: 

This may do the trick:


Where \p{L} matches any (Unicode) letter and \b matches a word boundary.

Bart Kiers
does \p{L} work in C# regex? I've never seen that one before and usually opt for \w
@BenAlabaster, yes: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/20bw873z.aspx#SupportedUnicodeGeneralCategories And yes, perhaps `\w` is sufficient for the OP, but it matches more than letters (see my comment under Gumbo's post).
Bart Kiers

Gumbo gets my vote, however, the OP doesn't specify whether just "Id" is an allowable word, which means I'd make a minor modification:


1 or more word characters followed by "Id" and a breaking space. The [a-zA-Z] variants don't take into account non-English alphabetic characters. I might also use \s instead of \b as a space rather than a breaking space. It would depend if you need to wrap over multiple lines.
