I have implemented OOP in my lua environment but it doesnt seem to be working.
I think it has something to do with how i am handling the __index and my improper use of require and module but I'm not 100% sure.
Here is the code:
Class = function( prototype )
local derived = {}
local derivedMT = {
--When indexing into a derived class, check the base class as well
__index = prototype,
--When invoking a class, return an instance
__call = function( proto, ... )
local instance = {}
local instanceMT = {
--When indexing into an instance, check the class hierarchy as well.
__index = derived,
--Calling instances is a no-no!
__call = function()
print( "WARNING! Attempt to invoke an instance of a class!" )
print( debug.traceback() )
return instance
setmetatable( instance, instanceMT )
if ( instance.__constructor ) then
instance:__constructor( ... )
return instance
setmetatable( derived, derivedMT )
return derived
And here is how I use it, the nil reference is a call to a base class function, that is the error/problem im having is it seems like the base class isn't being referenced.
require "Core.Camera.FreeCamera"
local T = Core.Camera.FreeCamera.FreeCamera(0,0,-35)
c = T:getObjectType() -- nil reference
print(c .." --Type" )
and here is Camera.lua the base class
local _G = _G
local M = _G.Class()
Camera = M
function M:__constructor(x,y,z) --This never gets called.
--self.Active = false
--self.x = x
--self.y = y
--self.z = z
--self.ID = EngineManager:getCamera()
function M:getObjectType()
return "camera"
And Finally Free Camera which attempts to inherit Camera.
local require = require
local _G = _G
require "Core.Camera.Camera"
local M = _G.Class( _G.Core.Camera.Camera ) --Gross, lame might be the culprit
FreeCamera = M
function M:__constructor(x,y,z) ---WHOOPS, this does get called... the other one doesnt
self.Active = false
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.ID = _G.EngineManager:getCamera()
--_G.print("got Id of:" .. self.ID)
self:setCameraPosition(x, y, z, self.ID)
_G.print("<<<Camera in lua>>>")
I'm running out of ideas. any help would be appreciated.