Try to use GWT RPC in our application. Our application serve static content and dynamic content with different base url. for example, url to foo.jsp may have http//localhost/context/foo.jsp served by websphere, for img/js inside that jsp, we will have url like http//localhost/uistatic/foo.js, served by iis, and GWT generated code will be included as http//localhost/uistatic/......
Now, when using GWT RPC, the modulebaseurl GWT default will actually point to http//localhost/uistatic/ which is not correct one, for calling rpc service, we can override ServiceEntryPoint by doing following (using HostPageBaseURL):
serviceDef.setServiceEntryPoint(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + GWT.getModuleName() + ......);
However, to use serializable DTO for rpc call, GWT load serialization policy file by using modulebaseurl which again is wrong (http// localhost/uistatic/), anyone know how to override it, or any other suggestion are welcome.