



I have a regex:


How would I capture the results of each parentheses into 3 different variables, one for each parentheses? Right now I using one array to capture all the results, they come out sequential but then I have to parse them and the list could be huge.

@results = ($string =~ /abc(def)ghi(jkl)mno(pqr)/igs);
+5  A: 

Your question is a bit ambiguous to me, but I think you want to do something like this:

my (@first, @second, @third);
while( my ($first, $second, $third) = $string =~ /abc(def)ghi(jkl)mno(pqr)/igs) {
    push @first, $first;
    push @second, $second;
    push @third, $third;
Leon Timmermans
+1 Same thing I was thinking.
Interesting. Are you sure that would work?
Jeremy Petzold
that's a bit long winded. when captured, you can use back references
ghostdog74: that's a matter of taste. If you really name your variables $first and $second then you might as well use $1 and $2 indeed, but if you give them more descriptive names then it can improve readability to do it like this.
Leon Timmermans
-1. I have to agree with ghostdog74; capturing to the $1 .. series of variables is just cleaner in modern Perl. While you *can* do it, doesn't mean it's probably the best way to do it.
Robert P
@leon ,true, but since he is going to put them in arrays anyway, what you really care is the array name. who doesn't know what $1, $2 .. is?

You could have three different regex's each focusing on specific groups. Obviously, you would like to just assign different groups to different arrays in the regex, but I think your only option is to split the regex up.

Jeremy Petzold

@OP, when parenthesis are captured, you can use the variables $1,$2....these are backreferences

while ($string =~ /abc(def)ghi(jkl)mno(pqr)/isg) {
    print "$1 $2 $3\n";


$ perl
def jkl pqr
def jkl pqr
Note his use of the g modifier. He's doing a global match, so I assume he wants to store multiple matches.
Leon Timmermans
Also, $1 and so on are not "backreferences", they are captures. Parentheses and backreferences are *related*, however.
+2  A: 

An alternate way of doing it would look like ghostdog74's answer, but using an array that stores hash references:

my @results;
while( $string =~ /abc(def)ghi(jkl)mno(pqr)/igs) {
    my ($key1, $key2, $key3) = ($1, $2, $3);
    push @results, { 
        key1 => $key1,
        key2 => $key2,
        key3 => $key3,

# do something with it

foreach my $result (@results) {
    print "$result->{key1}, $result->{key2}, $result->{key3}\n";

with the main advantage here of using a single data structure, AND having a nice readable loop.

Robert P
+3  A: 

Starting with 5.10, you can use named capture buffers as well:


use strict; use warnings;

my %data;

my $s = 'abcdefghijklmnopqr';

if ($s =~ /abc (?<first>def) ghi (?<second>jkl) mno (?<third>pqr)/x ) {
    push @{ $data{$_} }, $+{$_} for keys %+;

use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper \%data;


$VAR1 = {
          'first' => [
          'second' => [
          'third' => [

For earlier versions, you can use the following which avoids having to add a line for each captured buffer:


use strict; use warnings;

my $s = 'abcdefghijklmnopqr';

my @arrays = \ my(@first, @second, @third);

if (my @captured = $s =~ /abc (def) ghi (jkl) mno (pqr) /x ) {
    push @{ $arrays[$_] }, $captured[$_] for 0 .. $#arrays;

use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper @arrays;


$VAR1 = [
$VAR2 = [
$VAR3 = [

But I like keeping related data in a single data structure, so it is best to go back to using a hash. This does require an auxiliary array, however:

my %data;
my @keys = qw( first second third );

if (my @captured = $s =~ /abc (def) ghi (jkl) mno (pqr) /x ) {
    push @{ $data{$keys[$_]} }, $captured[$_] for 0 .. $#keys;

Or, if the names of the variables really are first, second etc, or if the names of the buffers don't matter but only order does, you can use:

my @data;
if ( my @captured = $s =~ /abc (def) ghi (jkl) mno (pqr) /x ) {
    push @{ $data[$_] }, $captured[$_] for 0 .. $#captured;
Sinan Ünür
Are you just trying to do a deep copy in that first example? I'd just pull out Storable's dclone. Either that, or your example needs some looping to build up that values you store in `$data`. :)
brian d foy
@brian I was thinking of parsing a file where each line gives you a `first` and a `second` and a `third` value and storing those values in their own arrays. Compare with Leon Timmerman's example ( )
Sinan Ünür