




Or, should I put it "the .NET object model"? I am looking for a book just like Stanley Lippman's "Inside the C++ Object Model", and my favourite language is C#. Anyone got a recommendation? Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

For my money nothing beats CLR via C# by Jeffrey Richter. It does a great job explaining the core libraries and objects in .Net and how to leverage them in C#. I have the 2nd edition, and while dated it is still the best .Net book I own. That link is to the third edition, which I did not even realize was out and I just ordered myself.

Jason Jackson
Thanks, Jason. It seems that the CLR via C# only shows "how to" use the .NET, but not the details under the hood. I am not looking for a overall description, I am looking for a real implementation. Just as the Lippman's book.
Uh, no. I would say CLR via C# goes into some depth of the actual .Net runtime, the CLR. It is not just a "how to program c# book". In fact, it would not be a very good book for that. Richter really plows into the threading model in particular in v2 of the book.
Jason Jackson
thanks, jason, i will try this book.
It arrived on my porch last night and I started reading. I don't think you will be disappointed. He added a whole new section on threading, and it seems to be as deep in covering the CLR and core types as v2 was.
Jason Jackson