Often, you can simplify this kind of thing by using Disjunctive Normal Form.
You normalize your logic into a series disjunctions -- "or clauses". Each disjunct is set of "and clauses".
So your rules become the following long disjunction.
(You can always do this, BTW, with any logic. The problem is that some things can be really complicated. The good news is that no marketing person will try bafflingly hard logic on you. Further, the rewrite from any-old-form to disjunctive normal form is an easy piece of algebra.)
This, you'll note, is always two layers deep: always a top-level list of the disjunctions (any one of which could be true) and a a lower-level list of conjuncts (all of which must be true).
So, you have a "Conditions" table with columns like id and product name. This defines a simple comparison between line item and product.
You have a Conjuncts ("mid-level and clause") table with columns like conjunct ID and condition ID. A join between conjunct and condition will produce all conditions for the conjunct. If all of these conditions are true, the conjunct is true.
The have a Disjuncts ("top-level or clause") table with columns like disjunct Id and conjunct ID. If one of these disjuncts is true, the disjunction is true.
A join between disjuncts, conjuncts and conditions produces the complete set of conditions you need to test.