In C# i'm using RegexValidator to validate a field which can contains only L,l,M,m,D,d values. I tried to use [RegexValidator("[l|L][M|m][D|d]" ... , but this does not work. Any ideas?
In C# i'm using RegexValidator to validate a field which can contains only L,l,M,m,D,d values. I tried to use [RegexValidator("[l|L][M|m][D|d]" ... , but this does not work. Any ideas?
This regex:
as a case insensitive match if you can do that or:
if you can't.
Both of these require the whole string to match a sequence of L, l, M, m, D or d characters. Use +
to mean one or more if it can't be empty or *
to mean 0 or more if it's allowed to be empty.
Edit: based on the updated information, if you want to allow one of those characters and only one of those then:
If I understand you correctly then you can try something like this
var s1 = "Ll";
var s2 = "m";
var s3 = "LmD";
var pattern = "^[LMD]$";
Console.WriteLine( Regex.IsMatch(s1, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) );
Console.WriteLine( Regex.IsMatch(s2, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) );
Console.WriteLine( Regex.IsMatch(s3, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) );
Writes the following to the console
You can only use Regex on string but you could always convert your char
char c = 'd';
Console.WriteLine( Regex.IsMatch(new String(c,1), pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));
You need to read up on regexp. You should be able to Google (or Bing) on tutorials of regexp.
means one and only one and not less than one char which is either a
, s
, d
or f
means any number of characters but they must be either be a
, s
, d
or f
means at least one character and they must either be a
, s
, d
or f
Regexp does not use the |
character as an OR operator in within a []
square bracket character definition constraint.
means a String that must have the first character uppercase alphabet (any uppercase char between A to Z) followed by at least one lowercase alphabet (any lowercase char between a
to z
) and terminated by a decimal digit.
means the string must have exactly 3 chars.
First char must be either l
, |
or L
2nd char must be either M
, |
or m
3rd char must be either D
, |
or d
may be what you want to use.
for a string of at least one char constrained to be either l
, L
, M
, m
, D
or d
for a string of at least 3 chars long where all chars are constrained to be either l
, L
, M
, m
, D
or d
This code should read a string from the console, and match it. It should accept only 1 character, and matches with the characters you provided.
static void Main(string[] args)
Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[L|M|D]$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
System.Console.WriteLine("Enter Text");
String str = System.Console.ReadLine();
Match match = regex.Match(str);
if (match.Success == true)
you can also use inversion. check the field for characters not in your defined list.