



Is there a way to know that the elements are on a document before I try to access them with JQuery?

Code Snippet:

var s = new AjaxCall(someurl);

s.oncomplete = function(response) {
    var container = $('container_id');
    container.innerHTML = response;
    var ul = $('some_id'); }

The response is some HTML returned by the Ajax call.

This response updates the contents of a div and then I access an element that was created by the innerHTML (the ul in the code).

If the response is large, I believe there would be times that some elements would not be rendered when I will try to access them. Does domready work for AJAX calls, and could this solve my problem?


If you were using jQuery, your success function for the request would be:

  url: "test.html",
  cache: false,
  success: function(resp){
    var ul = $("#containerID").html(resp).find("#ElementInRespID");
    //do something with ul

This will put the result in the container, find the element you want in there and set the ul variable to it.

Nick Craver
Hi there,I am not using JQuery though. Does anyone know what JQuery uses in order to achieve the above code?I am pretty sure they are calling innerHTML also, in their html method.
@Thomas - They're calling well, a lot of stuff :) The beatuy is it takes out the cross-browser headaches. The full source is available for browsing though, here's the ajax portion so you can see what's going on:
Nick Craver
+1  A: 

You seem to have forgotten to use #, as it should be $('#some_id');, and not $('some_id');. I suggest instead to just use document.getElmenetById. It reads more clearly and is much more efficient than contextual-based ID matching.

var some_id = document.getElmenetById("some_id");

Regarding your question of the element "not being available," don't worry. The innerHTML setter performs a synchronous operation. If a tag with a matching ID is parsed from that, then the corresponding element will be available immediately after setting the innerHTML.

Hi Garrett,Thanks for the input