I have always wanted to make a music player. But i have no idea how to. I dont need it to be cross playform, just as long as it works.
Each part is its own question but let me know if i am missing any. I broke it up into simple, unknown and long
- Selecting Files/Directories using a Dialog
- Saving playlist and other settings (json i choose you!)
- Sorting the data in the GUI
Somewhat difficult
- Global Keys so i dont need to switch to the player window (i know this isnt supported in .NET :()
- Searching for songs (Allowing artist and album to be mixed with title and getting what is thought to be best results)
- Playing actual music with pause and stop with MP3, AAC and OGG support
- Song information (artist, album, title, year)
I have a feeling when i start this will take a long time to finish. I plan to do this in C#. Do i have to use an external lib to get song information? Is one of these harder then what some people may think? any warnings about any of the above?