I have rasterized map in different resolutions, which consists of 15K/60K/240K pictures each sized 256x256, and i have .NET Compact Framework application which can display the map. But it takes a lot of time to copy 300k files to SD card, approximately 35-60 hours (i copyied just 15K and it took ~ 2 to 2.5 hours), and i'm afraid it will ruin FAT16 filesystem (hardware does not support FAT32, so i can't switch fat16 to fat32) or after copying everything will work very slow.
All pictures are stored like this: /mapdata/res{resolution}/x{x_coord}/y{y_coord}.png
Can any embeddable DB help me? Or should i pack images into zip like /storage/res1/x12.zip with all y*.png archived? Or i just should create ISO-image with all these pictures and just copy iso to SD byte-to-byte?