



Hi guys,

Is there currently a way to programatically determine from within a Silverlight app the maximum number of concurrent connections that the browser will allow? I know I can do this on the server then pass it as a parameter, but I would like to know if its possible in Silverlight.

This is for all versions of Silverlight including Silverlight 4 RC.


For IE 8.0: Internet Explorer 8 and Maximum Concurrent Connections

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Mitch Wheat
Sorry bout the late comment, but I was asking if I can *programatically determine* the number of concurrent connections from within Silverlight
Darko Z

After a month searching I have not found any way to do this yet.

Darko Z

You could make a js call to window.maxConnectionsPerServer in IE. I don't think there is a way in firefox. Even then, there might be a limitation on the webserver as to the max num of connections /client.

Raj Kaimal
hmmm that's more along the lines of what I'd like but I need it to be cross browser.
Darko Z