



I need to implement a small, standalone web server that will be used to process REST API calls, using Delphi 2010. There seem to be two easy choices available with Delphi 2010 out of the box: Indy's TidHTTPServer and Delphi's own TDSHTTPService.

I am familiar with Indy components and would probably use them without question; there is a lot of documentation on them and examples. But I have no experience with DataSnap; TDSHTTPService seems to have very little documentation.

Any recommendations or comparisons between the two?

+2  A: 

I would go with datasnap, because it has built in support for the REST.

and there's a white paper by Marco Cantu describe it in good details with videos

Beside he's new Book "Delphi 2010 Handbook" has more details than the above white paper, and should be available soon as eBook.

Also Bob Swart has another white paper with videos for DataSnap

Mohammed Nasman
If you use DataSnap, you're also using INDY, because DataSnap is using INDY behind the scenes.
Right, but if he used indy directly, it will require much work for him to do the works that datasnap doing.
Mohammed Nasman