



Syntax error at line 72, column 26, file /usr/include/gconv.h:
Error at line 72, column 26 in file /usr/include/gconv.h
unsigned char **, size_t *, int, int);
PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "size_t" when expecting one of the following

... auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name, exec oracle, exec oracle begin, exec,
exec sql, exec sql begin, exec sql type, exec sql var,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "size_t" to continue.

Syntax error at line 88, column 7, file /usr/include/gconv.h:
Error at line 88, column 7 in file /usr/include/gconv.h
size_t *);
PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "size_t" when expecting one of the following

... auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name, exec oracle, exec oracle begin, exec,
exec sql, exec sql begin, exec sql type, exec sql var,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "size_t" to continue.

Syntax error at line 97, column 6, file /usr/include/gconv.h:
Error at line 97, column 6 in file /usr/include/gconv.h
size_t *);
PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "size_t" when expecting one of the following

... auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name, exec oracle, exec oracle begin, exec,
exec sql, exec sql begin, exec sql type, exec sql var,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "size_t" to continue.

Syntax error at line 106, column 3, file /usr/include/gconv.h:
Error at line 106, column 3 in file /usr/include/gconv.h
__gconv_trans_fct __trans_fct;
PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__gconv_trans_fct" when expecting one of th
e following:

char, const, double, enum, float, int, long, ulong_varchar,
OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator, OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime,
OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval, OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber,
OCIRaw, OCIString, short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor,
struct, union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void,
volatile, a typedef name,

Error at line 53, column 11 in file /usr/include/libio.h
# include <stdarg.h>

This looks like at least one include file is missing where size_t is defined. Whichever that might be, on Linux look in /usr/include ... well, might be in unistd.h, so include that.

The other stuff might just result from the first error, hard to tell with the information provided here.

Cold. Very, very cold. Frozen.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
How do you know?
@nodan: The OP is using pcc.
Tim Post
@Tim Nothing to do with PCC because these are not compiler errors - they come from Oracle'e Pro*C preprocessor. People who have some experience with Pro*C will recognise such messages on the spot.

Looks like Pro*C error message.

Check sys_include parameter in your $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/admin/pcscfg.cfg file (or whichever config file is used by proc - proc tells it on startup). This parameter must include correct path to system headers.

EDIT BTW while you are on this file, it makes sense to change value of PARSE parameter to PARTIAL (don't remember what was default) - it will tell Pro*C to be more relaxed about C syntax.

where i can find BTW to edit.
i got the solution.sys_include=(/user/include,/user/include/linux) in pcscfg.cfg file.Parse=none in your make file.