I would like to get the executable file´s path of the active foreground window.
I already have the handler of the foreground window:
static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
IntPtr handlerAppActual = GetForegroundWindow();
And i would like to get the path of it´s executable file, like a shortcut. (ex: C:\application\application.exe)
Why do i need this?? To use it later to automatically execute the application with a call of its process, like this:
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.FileName = @parametros[0];
Where "parametros[0]" is the path of the file.
I´m asking for the path of the foreground window´s application, but if you know any other way to do what i need (get the main process of the foreground application to execute it later), i would be please to hear it.
Thanks and salutes!!!