Hello, I am doing tests on an ejb3-project using ejb3unit http://ejb3unit.sourceforge.net/Session-Bean.html for testing. All my Services long for @PersistenceContext (UnitName=bla). I set up the ejb3unit.properties like this:
everything works with the in-memory-database.
So now i want additionally test another servicebean with @PersistenceContext (UnitName=noTxDatasource) that goes for a defined in my datasources.xml:
How do I tell ejb3unit to make this work:
Object object = InitialContext.doLookup("java:/noTxDatasource");
if (object instanceof DataSource) {
return ((DataSource) object).getConnection();
} else {
return null;
Currently it fails saying: javax.NamingException: Cannot find the name (noTxDataSource) in the JNDI tree Current bindings: (ejb/MyServiceBean=com.company.project.MyServiceBean)
How can I add this no-tx-datasource to the jndi bindings?