The question has been posted several times and is how to delay an addClass.
I got this:
$("#menu ul li").hover(function(){
And want something similar but where the class is added after 500msek or so. Best answer so far is this one using settimeout. Maybe I just need a working example: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1836105/how-to-wait-5-seconds-with-jquery
The hooverIntent will not work since it has to be an addClass.
Br. Anders
UPDATE: Four great answers! Thanks. I do not know why I did not think the hoverIntent would work, it can be used as seen in the answers. Actually all answers can be used each with pros and cons. I will go with the hoverIntent even though another plugin must be included. The pro for the hoverIntent is that a sensibilty can be set so not only a delay for the addClass can be set but it will first start counting when the mouse is positioned still obove the area (or not so still if sensitivety is lovered)