I am saving a raw email in a TEXT column in MySQL with Ruby on Rails. It keeps getting truncated to 65535 characters, does anyone know what causes this?
MySQL is running with max_allowed_packet=64M
I am saving a raw email in a TEXT column in MySQL with Ruby on Rails. It keeps getting truncated to 65535 characters, does anyone know what causes this?
MySQL is running with max_allowed_packet=64M
65535 is one of those "magic numbers" - it's 2^16 - 1. That's just what the maximum limit is for a TEXT column in MySQL.
It gets truncated to that length because... well, that's what will fit in a TEXT column.
You need MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT if you want to store more than that.
Ruby on Rails didn't truncate, MySQL did.
The TEXT type is limited to 2^16 - 1 = 65535
characters, see the documentation.
I'm not a Ruby expert, but the number 65535 caught my attention -- that's 16 bits (minus 1, which typically is special). You're probably running up against a wall of the size limit of the type you're using.