




Take the following 4 example XML documents:

  1. <Example> <Colour>orange</Colour> </Example>

  2. <Example> <Car colour="orange">Ford Focus</Car> </Example>

  3. <Example> <County>Orange County</County> </Example>

  4. <Example> <Orange>555</Orange> </Example>

These are all stored in a SQL Server database in a table with a XML datatype column (untyped).

How would I go about running a query looking for all content in the document with the word orange in it, which would return the following documents:

  1. this has a value orange inside an element.
  2. this has a value orange inside an attribute.
  3. this has a value Orange County inside an element (note different casing of the word Orange)

Document 4 should not be returned in the query results as the word orange is an element name and is not a data value.

Is this even possible?

Thanks in advance.


I don't think you can do it in a single query - however, with two, you should get the results you're looking for:

  1. first query to get all XML nodes that contain a text (inside the element) that looks like "orange":

    SELECT * FROM dbo.XQueryTest
    WHERE XmlContent.value('(//*/text())[1]', 'varchar(50)') LIKE '%orange%'
  2. second query to do the same, but based on an attribute value:

    SELECT * FROM dbo.XQueryTest
    WHERE XmlContent.value('(//*/@*)[1]', 'varchar(50)') LIKE '%orange%'

Query 1 just grabs the value of the text() for all XML nodes as a string (varchar(50)) and compares that based on regular SQL syntax against '%orange%'.

Query no. 2 grab all the attribute values (/@*) and does the same.

Of course, you can UNION those two together, if you really need to.

Hope this helps!

Hi, Thanks that works-however it only works if there is one node in the child node, how would I search nodes and attribute values if the Example root node contains multiple child nodes:<Example> <Car colour="orange">Ford Focus</Car> <Orange>555</Orange> <Colour>Orange</Colour> <County>Orange County</County></Example>
ok, after adding that request after about 2 hours of searching for the answer I then went back to more Googling for an answer to this I found it:SELECT * FROM dbo.XQueryTestWHERE XmlContent.exist('//*/text()[contains(., "Orange")]')=1