Note that the following are examples of the rare cases where dotNet reflector does not disassemble correctly. In the vast majority of cases it works perfectly, and I am not suggesting this is necessarily a bug in reflector. It may be a result of protection or obfuscation or unmanaged code on the assemblies in question.
I try to disassemble System.Web.UI.WebControls.XmlHierarchicalEnumerable in dotnet reflector. The generics seems all screwed up, eg:
// Nested Types
private sealed class GetEnumerator>d__0 : IEnumerator<object>,
IEnumerator, IDisposable
// Fields
private int <>1__state;
private object <>2__current;
public XmlHierarchicalEnumerable <>4__this;
public IEnumerator <>7__wrap2;
public IDisposable <>7__wrap3;
public XmlNode <node>5__1;
In other assemblies I sometimes get little squares (I know these usually stand for 'unknown symbol') in place of class names, eg:
dictionary1.Add("autopostbackonselect", 0x34);
ᜀ.ᜌ = dictionary1;
if (ᜀ.ᜌ.TryGetValue(key, out num))
switch (num)
What gives ? Anyone know ?