I have a JavaScript object called ShippingUI:
function ShippingUI(){
It has several methods:
ShippingUI.prototype.UpdateItemQTYs = function(ItemJQOBJ, NewQTY)
ShippingUI.prototype.EH_SortableRecieve = function(event, ui)
The "EH_SortableRecieve()" function is a drop event handler. When it runs, it needs to call "UpdateItemQTYs()", a sister function in the same object. I'm trying to use:
ShippingUI.prototype.EH_SortableRecieve = function(event, ui)
But keep getting the error:
"this.UpdateItemQTYs is not a function"
I'm guessing that "this" is pointing to something else... so how do I get the 'real' "this"?
Event Binding method:
// Takes a Jquery Object and makes it sortable with our custom options this.MakeSortable = function(JQOBJ) { JQOBJ.sortable({ connectWith: '.connectedSortable', items: '.ItemLineWrapper', dropOnEmpty: true, axis: 'y', receive: this.EH_SortableRecieve }); }