




I want to resolve some conflicts of an SVN file using Meld. I'm using the Head version and my version to resolve the conflicts. I am unable to find how to do the merge operation and resolve the conflicts. When i'm right clicking on the line, i just see copy, paste, cut, create patch copy to right, copy to left options. Is there any way to do "Copy this line after mine" or "copy this line before mine" like that?? I used WinMerge when i was working on Windows. Now i moved to a Ubuntu machine and facing this situation for the first time. Please help me how to resolve the conflicts using Meld.

Thanks in advance


Is there any way to do "Copy this line after mine" or "copy this line before mine" like that?

There's no menu option to do exactly that but it is easily achievable.

Just select the line / lines from one window and copy (CTRL-C, CTRL-V) to the other window wherever it makes sense

You can also manually add new code to either window.

Meld is a great tool!

Chris McCauley
I see those options there. I want to know whether there is any other efficient method to do merging.
Perhaps you misunderstand me I mean that by selecting the line of text and doing CTRL-C you can copy any line of text from one window and paste it using CTRL-V anywhere in the other window - that answers your question about how to copy lines before / after yours
Chris McCauley
yeah. Another doubt. In which file we need to make the changes. There are 3 files, 1. Result file 2. Mine file 3. Head versioned file. In which file we need to copy?
The head version can't be changed - it's the most recent checkin. You want to update the results file by manually merging changes from your file and the head. It sounds like you're using KDiff now though
Chris McCauley
no, i am not using KDiff now. Just tried KDiff. Thank you for your answer. That really helped me.

CTRL-click on the arrows
