I'm currently rewriting parts of a custom RPC mechanism (which cannot be replaced by something else, so don't suggest that ;-) ). The arguments of a call are collected in a custom collection that uses a dictionary internally. There is a method T Get<T>(string)
to retrieve a named argument. For optional arguments, I wanted to add a TryGet<T>(string)
method that returns the argument or null
if it doesn't exist, so that the calling code can provide a default value using the null coalescing operator. Of course, for a value type this doesn't work, but I could use T?
instead, which is what I want.
So what I have is this:
public class Arguments
// lots of other code here
public T TryGet<T>(string argumentName) where T : class
// look up and return value or null if not found
public T? TryGet<T>(string argumentName) where T : struct
// look up and return value or null if not found
With that, I'd like to be able to do the following:
return new SomeObject(
args.TryGet<string>("Name") ?? "NoName",
args.TryGet<int>("Index") ?? 1
Since the constraints are mutually exclusive, the compiler should be able to produce the correct code (it's always possible to infer the call from the generic type given at the call site). The compiler complains that the type already defines a member called "TryGet" with the same parameter types.
Is there any way to make something like this work without giving the two methods different names?