I have a NavigationWindow (window1) and a custom navigationstate.
What I currently am using to do my navigation is as such:
- a function (navigate(string,bool) ) which takes the location (a URL) that I want to go to, plus a boolean which defines if I should make a Back entry (i.e. I've gone into a folder)
- A seperate function which ties into my NavigationService (allowing me to go back/forth within my history)
My problem though becomes that when I navigate Back, I start overriding my history!
Here's my NavigationService_Navigating(...) (which gets called when I push the back/forth button)
void NavigationService_Navigating(object sender, NavigatingCancelEventArgs e)
try // If something goes wrong, just bail.
// If we're going backwards, we want to remember the current location.
if (e.NavigationMode == NavigationMode.Back) { e.ContentStateToSave = new GopherNavState(cLocation); }
// use our internal navigation to move to the location, but dont create a back entry.
navigate((e.TargetContentState as GopherNavState).tLocation, false);
{ } // ...
the problem occurs sporatically. I'll create 3/4 entries in my back, go back and see that my history is full of the page I'm currently looking at.
I've tried everything, but I still cant get it right.