You may have changed something in your database (like datatype of a column) without remembering to re-create your LINQ classes. Thus LINQ to SQL may be causing that casting exception.
2You haven't given nearly enough information to troubleshoot, and (no offense) I'm not heading over to YouTube to watch a video. Here are some general troubleshooting steps I'd take and questions I'd ask myself:
When it fails, is it always the exact same exception? Or does it vary? If the same exception is always thrown then there might be a defect in your logic somewhere. If you get totally random exceptions then you may have a hardware or infrastructure issue.
First thing to do when you get LINQ to SQL exceptions is hook up SQL Profiler to see the exact query statement being sent to the server. Copy/paste that into SQL Management Studio and run it by hand. Look at the results and compare them to the data types of the object you're loading: is the query mapping an empty value to a non-nullable field? Maybe a query column is being mapped to a property of a different type?
If it works for 3-4 minutes, then stops for 3-4 minutes, then works again, look for any time-specific code in your project. Are you doing any caching? Maybe the issue is related to the behavior that occurs when the cache is stale versus when it's not stale, or vice versa. Maybe you have a date/time calculation that overflows or does something funky for certain inputs?
Hook up a debugger and have it catch the exception. Then walk up the stack trace and look at the program state during a failure. Compare it to the program state when the app is working correctly. Anything stand out?