I am a self taught vb6 programmer who uses DAO. Below is an example of a typical piece of code that I could churn out:
Sub cmdMultiplier_Click() 'Button on form, user interface '
dim Rec1 as recordset
dim strSQL as string
strSQL = "select * from tblCustomers where ID = " & CurrentCustomerID 'inline SQL '
set rec1 = GlobalDataBase.openrecordset(strSQL) ' Data access '
if rec1.bof <> true or rec1.eof <> true then
if rec1.fields("Category").value = 1 then
PriceMultiplier = 0.9 ' Business Logic '
priceMultiplier = 1
end if
end if
End Sub
Please pretend that the above is the entire source code of a CRUD application. I know this design is bad, everything is mixed up together. Ideally it should have three distinct layers, user interface, business logic and data access. I sort-of get why this is desirable but I don't know how it's done and I suspect that's why I don't fully get why such a separation is good. I think I'd be a lot further down the road if someone could refactor the above ridiculously trivial example into 3 tiers.