+1  A: 

B T, sorry if this doesn't help, but I'm curious why you would need to do this? The reason I'm asking is I don't see why you can't just use the relative file paths to load these files? Finding out where you're located could be done with window.location, but why would you? And as for loading them, can't you make an ajax call to the file and then eval them?

Also, I just remembered an easier way, you can add script elements to the page dynamically. Below is a link to how to do this -> http://www.codehouse.com/javascript/articles/external/
I'm making a javascript library meant to be loaded by external domains. This isn't a question about simple javascript files. See the following link if you want to have more context, thanks: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2255689/how-to-get-the-file-path-of-the-currenctly-executing-javascript-code .
+1 for the ajax and eval() idea :)
+6  A: 

When your script gets loaded with jQuery (and I guess other frameworks as well), your script will become indistinguishable from a script that was originally in the HTML document.

jQuery makes a request reaching out for your script and puts back the reply as the text child of a <script> node. Your browser has no way of knowing where it originated from, whether it was modified before inserted, etc. It is just a script node as far as she is concerned.

There can be workarounds, however. In the case of jQuery, you can hook up to the ajax events and exploit the fact that they are called right after your script executes. Basically, this would yield "brilliant.js" in your example:

var handler = function (e, xhr, s) {


A more elaborate one:

(function ($, undefined) {

    /* Let's try to figure out if we are inlined.*/
    var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");

    if (scripts[scripts.length - 1].src.length === 0) {
        // Yes, we are inlined.
        // See if we have jQuery loading us with AJAX here. 
        if ($ !== undefined) {
            var initialized = false;
            var ajaxHandler = function (e, xhr, s) {
                if (!initialized) {
                    initialized = true;
                    alert("Inlined:" + s.url);

            //If it is, our handler will be called right after this file gets loaded.

            //Make sure to remove our handler if we ever yield back.
            window.setTimeout(function () {
                jQuery(document).unbind("ajaxSuccess", ajaxHandler);
                if (!initialized) {
            }, 0);

    } else {
        //We are included.
        alert("Included:" + scripts[scripts.length - 1].src);

    //Handle other JS frameworks etc. here, if you will.
    function handleInlinedNonjQuery() {

    //Initialize your lib here
    function initmywholejsframework() {

Cool workaround. I wish a more universal way to solve this existed - but it looks like this is just about the best there is. I edited my question above to show my version of what you wrote.

This will work in every browser except IE and doesn't depend on assuming what the name of a file is:

var getErrorLocation = function (error) {
    var loc, replacer = function (stack, matchedLoc) {
        loc = matchedLoc;

    if (filename in error) {
        loc = error[filename];
    } else if (stacktrace in error) { // Opera
        error[stacktrace].replace(/Line \d+ of .+ script (.*)/gm, replacer);
    } else if (stack in error) { // WebKit
        error[stack].replace(/at (.*)/gm, replacer);
        loc = loc.replace(/:\d+:\d+$/, ""); // remove line number
    return loc;

try {
} catch (e) {
    var scriptURI = getErrorLocation(e);

alert("THIS IS: " + scriptURI);
Eli Grey
He is loading the script with $.getScript() which is equivalent to appending a <script> tag with no src attribute and filling its contents from a js string. There is likely no filename in that case.