



FolderBrowserDialog displayed a text "Browse For Folder" as the title.

This Link says that using P/Invoke we can do that. Whats that? How to use P/Invoke for this?

Is there any other way also to change this?


In short, the answer is no. P/Invoke allows you to call native Windows API functions. You can read an old, but still relevant article, about it here:

Unfortunately, the specific function you would need to invoke ShBrowseForFolder does not allow you to specify different text for the window title.


I dont think we can change the caption of the folder browser dialog, if there is a way then its using complex p/Invoke calls.

I know there is a interesting XBrowseForFolder - Wrapper for SHBrowseForFolder alternative available.

Its a vc++ component, you can use this component in your c# project with little coding effort from your side.


Ramesh Vel

If you are developing software for Windows 7 (and using .NET 3.5 SP1) then you can download and use the Windows API Code Pack which bring along a bunch of additional controls which may offer an alternative to the FolderBrowserDialog.

Here's what is included in the Windows API Code Pack

Windows 7 Taskbar

  • Jump Lists, Icon Overlay, Progress Bar, Tabbed Thumbnails, and Thumbnail Toolbars

Windows Shell

  • Windows 7 Libraries
  • Windows Shell Search API support
  • Explorer Browser Control
  • A hierarchy of Shell Namespace entities
  • Windows Shell property system
  • Drag and Drop for Shell Objects
  • Windows Vista and Windows 7 Common File Dialogs, including custom controls
  • Known Folders and non-file system containers


  • Direct3D 11.0, Direct3D 10.1/10.0, DXGI 1.0/1.1, Direct2D 1.0, DirectWrite, Windows Imaging Component (WIC) APIs


  • Windows Vista and Windows 7 Task Dialogs
  • Sensor Platform APIs
  • Extended Linguistic Services APIs
  • Power Management APIs
  • Application Restart and Recovery APIs
  • Network List Manager APIs
  • Command Link control and System defined Shell icons

You cannot change the dialog box title. If you want that, you can consider using the commercial FolderBrowserDialog replacement component available in Shell MegaPack
