



Problem about google map API v3. I already asked in google groups but want to hear from here too.

I want to show directions from my specific markers.

In my example, I plot 2 markers then show direction by set start and end with lat lng of makers.

My example here :

The problem is (Please use mouse wheel zoom to see)

origin marker A didn't same position as markerBegin (closet but still wrong) and destination marker B didn't same position as markerEnd (too far from my expect)

I guess it 's because my marker plot on lat lng that didn't have geo address there. How can I fix that ?

I start coding with v3, did v2 have this problem too ? If not, I will moved back to v2, but if v2 have this problem too, please suggest how can I do. My project want to check distance from 2 markers (in any locations)
