I wouldn't try to block script execution completely, as that could make the browser slow down, or even alert the user that a script is taking too long to execute.
What you can do is 'linearize' your code by using events to finish work. You will need to add a time out to the function, as the image may never load.
var _img = null;
var _imgDelay = 0;
var _finished = false;
function startWork(){
_img = document.createElement('img');
_img.onload = onImgLoaded;
_img.src = 'yourimg.png';
// append img tag to parent element here
// this is a time out function in case the img never loads,
// or the onload event never fires (which can happen in some browsers)
function imgTimeout(){
if (_img.complete){
// img is really done loading
// calls recursively waiting for the img to load
// increasing the wait time with each call, up to 12s
_imgDelay += 3000;
if (_imgDelay <= 12000){ // waits up to 30 seconds
setTimeout(imgTimeout, _imgDelay);
// img never loaded, recover here.
function onImgLoaded(){
function finishWork(){
if (!_finished){
// continue here
_finished = true;