I want to execute some code if a user checks a corresponding checkbox during the install. From reading the help file, it looks like the only way to use the task is to associate it with an entry in the Files/Icons/etc. section. I'd really like to associate it with a procedure in the Code section. Can this be done and if so, how?
You do that by adding a custom wizard page that has check boxes, and execute the code for all selected check boxes when the user clicks "Next" on that page:
ActionPage: TInputOptionWizardPage;
procedure InitializeWizard;
ActionPage := CreateInputOptionPage(wpReady,
'Optional Actions Test', 'Which actions should be performed?',
'Please select all optional actions you want to be performed, then click Next.',
False, False);
ActionPage.Add('Action 1');
ActionPage.Add('Action 2');
ActionPage.Add('Action 3');
ActionPage.Values[0] := True;
ActionPage.Values[1] := False;
ActionPage.Values[2] := False;
function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
Result := True;
if CurPageID = ActionPage.ID then begin
if ActionPage.Values[0] then
MsgBox('Action 1', mbInformation, MB_OK);
if ActionPage.Values[1] then
MsgBox('Action 2', mbInformation, MB_OK);
if ActionPage.Values[2] then
MsgBox('Action 3', mbInformation, MB_OK);
The check boxes can either be standard controls or items in a list box, see the Inno Setup documentation on Pascal Scripting for details.
If you want your code to be executed depending on whether a certain component or task has been selected, then use the IsComponentSelected()
and IsTaskSelected()
functions instead.
2010-02-17 15:23:18