It seems the regexp is wrong. That's why I wrote a little C program to do it for me:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_SIZE 1048576
char stuff[MAX_SIZE];
int main (int argc, char **argv)
unsigned int j_off, j_len, p_off, p_len;
FILE *fp, *jp, *pp;
fp = fopen (argv[1], "r");
if (!fp) goto error;
if (fseek (fp, 12, SEEK_SET)) goto error;
if (!fread (&j_off, 4, 1, fp)) goto error;
if (!fread (&j_len, 4, 1, fp)) goto error;
if (!fread (&p_off, 4, 1, fp)) goto error;
if (!fread (&p_len, 4, 1, fp)) goto error;
fprintf (stderr, "INFO %s \t%d %d %d %d\n",
argv[1], j_off, j_len, p_off, p_len);
if (j_len > MAX_SIZE || p_len > MAX_SIZE) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s: Chunk size too big!\n", argv[1]);
jp = fopen (argv[2], "w");
if (!jp) goto error;
if (fseek (fp, j_off, SEEK_SET)) goto error;
if (!fread (stuff, j_len, 1, fp)) goto error;
if (!fwrite (stuff, j_len, 1, jp)) goto error;
fclose (jp);
pp = fopen (argv[3], "w");
if (!pp) goto error;
if (fseek (fp, p_off, SEEK_SET)) goto error;
if (!fread (stuff, p_len, 1, fp)) goto error;
if (!fwrite (stuff, p_len, 1, pp)) goto error;
fclose (pp);
fclose (fp);
perror (argv[1]);
It works with the command line parameters input.hpi output.jpg output.png.
The error handling is not 100% correct, but it is good enough to always tell you if something's wrong, and most times what it is. For large files, you will have to enlarge MAX_SIZE.
Here is a shell script which you can call with *.hpi:
for arg in "$@"
base=`echo $arg | cut -d'.' -f1`
<executable> $arg $dest/original/$base.jpg $dest/mask/$base.png 2>>$dest/log
#composite -compose CopyOpacity $dest/mask/$base.png $dest/original/$base.jpg $dest/rgba/$base.png
The optional composite command (comes with ImageMagick) will create a new PNG image which has the mask applied as alpha channel. Note that this file will be about 5 times larger than the original files.
Note that some HPI files come without mask. In this case, my program will still work, but give an empty PNG file.