




I need to use a generic interface like the following:

public interface IContainer<T>
    IEnumerable<IContent<T>> Contents { get; }

An object implementing this interface is returned by a generic method like the following:

IContainer<T> GetContainer<T>(IProperty property);

Type T is unknown until run-time.

Using reflection I am able to invoke the GetContainer<T> method and get the result.

My problem is that I don't know how to enumerate the result which has type Object (therefore I cannot cast it to IEnumerable).

I have also tried casting as follows but it does not work (it says "Type is expected"):

var myContainer = genericMethodInfo.Invoke(
                           new object[] { property })
    as typeof(IContainer<>).MakeGenericType(type);

where type is the runtime type, myService is the service exposing the GetContainer<T> method, and property is of type IProperty as needed.

UPDATE: see my complete solution in my blog:

+1  A: 

Your type T must be known by the compiler, so this will not work. You can try making a non generic version of your interface, like this:

public interface IContainer
    IEnumerable<IContent> Contents { get; }

public interface IContainer<T> : IContainer { ... }

This way you have something to cast to and are able to use it.


If you're thinking of moving to .Net 4 that is what the dynamic type provides.

+1  A: 

typeof(IContainer<>).MakeGenericType(type) will only evaluate at runtime, while "as" needs to know the type at compiler time.

What I really don't understand is this comment: My problem is that I don't know how to enumerate the result which has type Object (therefore I cannot cast it to IEnumerable).

myContainer may be an Object but it can surely be cast to IEnumerable? If it can't then it can't be enumerated.

Thank you, I had overlooked the fact that IContainer (despite its name) actually does *not* implement IEnumerable. That's why the cast was failing. Your comment got me on the right track to solve my issue.
Stefano Ricciardi

I'm assuming that your object will only be returned as being one of a restricted number of types, so why not test against those before casting e.g. if object is thisclass?

Unfortunately I cannot make such an assumption because my code is part of a library that might be reused.While I know that mostly strings, doubles and decimals will be handled, I cannot exclude other types "a priori". If all else fails, though, I might have to go that route and raise exceptions for unexpected types.
Stefano Ricciardi
@Stefano - test your object type against IEnumerable that way you can ensure that you only cast it e.g. for use in a foreach statement, if your object class inherits IEnumerable.

Sorry if I misunderstood, I was having trouble understanding exactly what your objective was. Were you looking for something like this?

var myContainer = typeof(ClassWithGetContainer)
                 .Invoke(InstanceOfClassWithGetContainer, new object[] { property });
No, I am already past this point. I have already populated myContainer and it's working. My problem comes afterward, that is retrieving the single contents from the container.
Stefano Ricciardi
+1  A: 

First, when casting you need a type (double, int); typeof takes a type argument and returns a class of type Type.

     object x = 0.0;
     Type t = typeof(double);
     double y = x as t; //does not compile - t is not a type - it's an instance of type Type
     double y = x as typeof(double); //same as above
     double y = x as double; //compiles - double is a type
     Type z = x as Type; //compiles - Type is a type

Second, here is some example code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace TryThis
   public interface IContainer<T>
      IEnumerable<IContent<T>> Contents { get; }
   public interface IContent<T>
      T GetMyContent(); 
   public interface IProperty 
   { }

   public class Content<T> : IContent<T>
      T m_content = default(T);
      public T GetMyContent() { return m_content; }
      public Content(T val) { m_content = val; }

   public class Contents<T> : IEnumerable<IContent<T>>
      List<IContent<T>> m_contents = new List<IContent<T>>();
      IEnumerator<IContent<T>> IEnumerable<IContent<T>>.GetEnumerator() { return m_contents.GetEnumerator(); }
      IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return m_contents.GetEnumerator(); }
      public Contents(params T[] contents) { foreach (T item in contents) m_contents.Add(new Content<T>(item)); }

   public class TestGenericContent : IContainer<int>
      public IContainer<int> GetContainer(IProperty property) { return this; }
      public IEnumerable<IContent<int>> Contents { get { return new Contents<int>(1, 2, 3); } }

   public static class TryThisOut
      static void Test2(object o)
         Type t = o.GetType();
         Type tInterface = t.GetInterface("IContainer`1"); //could be null if o does not implement IContainer<T>
         Type tGenericArg = tInterface.GetGenericArguments()[0]; //extracts T from IContainer<T>
         MethodInfo info = t.GetMethod("GetContainer");
         IProperty propArg = null; //null in this example
         object oContainer = info.Invoke(o, new object[] { propArg });

         PropertyInfo prop = tInterface.GetProperty("Contents");
         object oContents = prop.GetGetMethod().Invoke(oContainer, null);
         //oContents is of type IEnumerable<IContent<T>>, which derives from IEnumerable, so we can cast
         IEnumerable enumeratedContents = oContents as IEnumerable;

         MethodInfo getContentItem = typeof(IContent<>).MakeGenericType(tGenericArg).GetMethod("GetMyContent");
         foreach (object item in enumeratedContents)
            object oContentItem = getContentItem.Invoke(item, null);
            Debug.Print("Item {0} of type {1}", oContentItem, oContentItem.GetType());

      public static void Test()
         object o = new TestGenericContent();