



I am looking for a way to embed a blog engine into my own application and I am too curious about Blog Engine algorithm.

This may not be the correct place to ask but, How is that possible to store blog entry data in an XML file like BlogEngine.Net with Default Configuration. It must be getting slower everyday while the file is getting larger and larger.

I am wondering the algorithm behind that. Is it loading with a different way ? Or Am I wrong with the time estimation ?

I know it is open source but I thought it would be better to see a discussion here for some others might be thinking the same and this thread can be a reference.

+2  A: 

It loads posts into memory at startup.

Joel Coehoorn

To answer XML question you have asked,by extending ProviderBase class you can hook it any database including XML files.For more information see BlogProvider.cs class and Providers folder and it's sub folder XmlProvider in BlogEngine.Core folder. If you see the Web.Config file ,you can see the below code.

    <blogProvider defaultProvider="XmlBlogProvider">
            <add name="XmlBlogProvider" type="BlogEngine.Core.Providers.XmlBlogProvider, BlogEngine.Core"/>
            <add name="DbBlogProvider" type="BlogEngine.Core.Providers.DbBlogProvider, BlogEngine.Core" connectionStringName="BlogEngine" />

by changing the defaultProvider to DbBlogProvider you can hook any RDBMS which are supported by BlogEngine.NET.

Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy