




I'm new to web development and I don't know an editor with auto completion.

I need such for xhtml,jscript,jquery and css.

It does not matter if commercial or not,so what do the top web developers on SO use for web development?

Thanks in advance!


I like notepad++ however, in the past I have also coded in Zend Studio and Netbeans.

I suggest that you search for each of these. My favourite at the moment is notepad++ for simplicity, however the others are good because of the inbuilt IDE>

+1  A: 

These two links will be of great value to you. -- free versions of Visual Studio projects -- unified installer for the entire MS Web Stack (free versions of Visual Web Developer, SQL Server, and ASP.NET MVC, etc.)

Notepad++ is one of the best tools you can install for doing quick-edits of text based files.

LINQ Pad is a nifty tool.

Expression Studio (again from Microsoft) is good, Dreamweaver is also good -- these are strictly for client side web development

Nate Bross

Visual Studio 2008 (and later, presumably) has reasonable intellisense for the things you are looking for as long as the proper files are included in the file you are editing (or its master page).


is editor by W3C is free and is quite good.


If you are new to web development, I dont suggest to start with Visual Studio. You could instal Microsoft Expression and play around with it. It has all nice features. It's commercial.

Stewie Griffin
+5  A: 

If you want to go with .Net, you should go for:

Visual Studio

If you want to go with some languages like PHP, i would suggest you to go for:


If you want to quickly edit documents with good editor options, go for:


Aptana is also growing fast as really cool editor to go for.

These all also have support for:

xhtml, jscript, jquery and css.


Other great resource on StackOverflow


Jetbrains Web IDE

fuzzy lollipop
+1  A: 

check this SO question



On some level, the tool of choice goes with the technology... Visual Studio for AsP.NET (or Visual Web Developer) which does have some JavaScript intellisense and great CSS support, Eclipse or other tools for Java (not a Java developer so I don't know them all). Microsoft came out with the Expression tool suite (web); I know it didn't have intellisense but they were considering adding it, don't know if its in the latest version.

The people who made Resharper also made RubyMine which was supposed to be a good JS editor (but it's a Ruby tool so...).

That's what I know of.


+1  A: 

Aptana is also very nice, it fits all your requirements and its autocomplete is awesome.


You might like HTML-Kit.

Joe Internet

I'm using Gnome's gedit for quick changes, and for big projects, Netbeans. Now I'm switching from Netbeans to Eclipse, meanwhile I started to do Android development and I want to use the same IDE for both Java and PHP, JavaScript (hope it has support for jQuery and ExtJS), HTML, CSS.

Alexandru Mos

I would suggest Adobe Dreamweaver

+1  A: 

Hello John,

If you are new to the web, taking the time to learn Ajax, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS etc. will keep you from doing some good work in the meantime.

I suggest that you take a look at the Visual WebGui framework. the Visual WebGui framework is a .NET based framework that allows you to develop applications almost exactly like you would develop them in MS Winforms (.NET windows desktop applications), but deploy them to the web in HTML without any plugin/activex required. By saying "web" I also mean smart-phones, and the multitude of operating systems that support the mainstream browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Opera).

With the Visual WebGui framework you get out-of-the-box the ability to add pure HTML and ASP.NET content to your application, while benefiting from the built in AJAX (XML HTTP) engine that we have built for you. This engine provides you with easy to use communication between the client and the server and a lot of abstraction to common complicated procedures that you would otherwise have to implement.

To answer your specific question about implementing and editor with auto-complete:

  1. There is a code-snippet for creating a TextBox with auto-complete built into it in this page here (Even though this is a plain TextBox and not a full editor, the concept is the same):

  1. You can also view this article here (for more information on the client events engine I referred to earlier):


BTW, this framework also has a full free version under the LGPL license that can be used with the MS Web Developer Express 2008 version of MS Visual Studio - which is free also.

If you need any additional information on the subject, please reply and I will be happy to assist you further.


Ori Cohen

Support manager @ Visual WebGui

Thank you,you have great support!