Hello everyone,
I just inherited a project where the main navigation menu is currently Flash. They asked if I could switch it to javascript, so I agreed to give it a shot. The navigation structure itself is dynamically generated on the server and new nodes are picked via an ajax call. The return is all XML.
To prevent delays on initial load, the server sends down the xml from a first call for the current page into a textarea.
Firefox and Chrome can pull that xml and manipulate it in jQuery just fine. IE, however, chokes out. I know that IE doesn't play well if the MIME type isn't set, but as the server is essentially off limits, I need to find a way around this.
An example of the xml stored in the textarea would be something like:
<item name='Link 1' url='http://www.somesite.com' img='/path/to/image.png' />
<item name='Link 2' url='http://www.somesite.com' img='/path/to/image.png' />
I am grabbing the contents using the .val() method, which works in everything other than IE. I have banged my head for awhile on this. Any help?